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  • Elevate Letter #23: 20 Hidden Techniques on Communication

Elevate Letter #23: 20 Hidden Techniques on Communication

PLUS: The fastest way to improve at anything, Untold Side effects of Exercise , Stocks returns from Two Sources, Listkit: Done-for-you Cold Email Setup to increase your B2B revenue

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Elevate Letter #23

Listkit: Done-for-you Cold Email Setup to increase your B2B revenue 📧

Cold Email Setup Offer

We started sending 10,000 cold emails per day, and scaled a brand new B2B offer to $108k MRR in 90 days. Now, you can have the same system set up (completely done-for-you) inside your own business - WITHOUT going to spam, spending thousands of dollars, or any manual input. Close your next 20 clients easily. We’ll set up the tech, write your scripts, give you the leads, give you the inboxes, and the sending tool - all starting at $500/mo.

20 Techniques on Communication from book ‘How to talk to anyone’ 🗣

Everyone wants to be liked and admired by people we meet, but we don’t know how to start the conversation with strangers.

I came across this book during my third year in college, and when I applied few tricks from this book i found it impactful.

This book enhanced my social skills 80% more effectively than earlier.

From first impressions to making lasting connections, ‘How to talk to anyone’ will help become master communicator.

This book have 92 techniques to help you start new conversations with stranger in professional place, social gatherings, or even with your relatives with whom you may never wanted to talk to.

It will enhance your confidence, help you be a leader in the group and most importantly it will get everyone like you.

The fastest way to improve at anything ⭐️

Feedback is the fastest way to grow in any area of life—but most people have no idea how to ask for it.

When I was younger, my “strategy” was asking friends, “It’s good, right?” (this wasn't very helpful).

Adam Grant nails it here:

Instead of asking, “What do you think?”—which invites ambiguity—ask for a score from 0-10. You’ll rarely get a perfect 10, which makes it easy to follow up with, “What would make this closer to a 10?”

Better questions lead to better feedback—and faster growth.

The difference between Capital gains and Dividends 💰

One of the BIGGEST misunderstandings in stock investing: how to properly think about dividends and capital gains. Even well read investors sometimes mess this one up!

This requires a tiny bit of accounting talk, but stick with me - this is important.

When a company earns a dollar, that dollar flows from the income statement of the company onto the balance sheet.

A dollar of profit will go into a line-item called "retained earnings" (how much money the company is keeping year over year).

Retaining earnings will increase the amount of cash on the balance sheet of a company, which is an asset that is reflected in the companies stock price.

You might have read between the lines above, but I'll say it explicitly: when a company earns money, it will increase their stock price (duh!).

So what is a dividend? Well, back to accounting, a dividend is when you move money from retained earnings and distribute to shareholders.

You are basically reducing the assets the company is holding on to and giving it to everyone who owns a piece of the company.

Again, you might read between the lines, but this REDUCES the share price of the company.

Dividends are not a source of value, they are a distribution of value. Value can either be held onto by the company or it can be distributed to shareholders, but either way the value stays the same.

Dividends are slightly less preferred than capital gains because there is an immediate tax hit for shareholders, but all in all, the "value" of a dollar of capital gains is equal to that of dividends (ignoring tax implications in that statement).

Dividends are a HUGE part of total returns because many companies choose to distribute their value.

That being said, dividends are NOT something that should be sought out, rather something that should be accepted as a part of total return of an index.

Untold Side effects of daily exercise 💪

P.S. : If you haven’t read of previous Elevate Letter editions here they are 😀 

»Elevate Letter #21: 10 Ways to Level Up Your Communication

»Elevate Letter #20: 7 Ways to Handle Difficult People

»Elevate Letter #19: 7 Career Soft Skills That Will Help You Level Up in Your Career

»Elevate Letter #18: 7 Crucial Psychological Hacks To Talk to Anyone Confidently


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