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  • Elevate Letter #26: 11 Wealth Secrets I Learned Advising 453 Millionaires

Elevate Letter #26: 11 Wealth Secrets I Learned Advising 453 Millionaires

PLUS: How to Win Any Argument, 13 Harsh Truths About Success, and 42 life lessons everyone needs to see

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Elevate Letter #26

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How to win your next argument - Tips from Harvard's champion debate coach

I feel like this is getting more important every day.

Our world is so damn divided, which means it's crucial we learn how to navigate disagreements in a way that builds bridges instead of walls.

This video from Harvard's champion debate coach, Bo Seo, breaks down practical strategies to turn disagreements into productive, meaningful conversations.

Here's a quick summary:

  1. Use the RISA Framework: Before diving in, ask yourself if the disagreement is Real, Important, Specific, and Aligned with your goals.

  2. Start with Alignment: Find common ground right away to set a constructive tone and avoid unnecessary friction.

  3. Focus on One Issue: Stick to a single topic to prevent the conversation from spiraling into unproductive territory.

  4. Pick Your Battles: Only engage if resolving the disagreement will lead to progress or improvement.

  5. Listen Actively: Truly hear the other person out—understanding their perspective builds trust and credibility.

  6. Engage Their Strongest Point: Respond to the best version of their argument to encourage meaningful progress, not just shallow wins.

  7. Challenge Yourself: Imagine you’re wrong and build empathy by identifying flaws in your argument—this will strengthen your perspective.

Winning an argument isn’t about 'defeating' the other person—it’s about creating a conversation where both sides leave better than they started.

Stop watching tutorials about doing the thing—just start doing the thing.

13 Harsh Truths About Success No One Told You About - Article from Sahil Bloom

Powerful lessons from our friend Sahil Bloom.

A few of my favorites:

 It will always take longer than you expect.

There's an idea called Hofstadter's Law that I love:

It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law. 

Success in any endeavor seems to follow this law perfectly.

If you ever need to create a timeline on which you think something will happen, just double your initial estimate and you'll probably have a more useful one.

Remember: The most meaningful things in life take a long time to earn. Longer than you ever imagined. But that's precisely what makes them so meaningful.


There's no such thing as later.

The journey to success is filled with laters: 

  • I'll spend more time with my kids later

  • I'll find time for my health later

  • I'll have more freedom later

  • I'll enjoy myself more later

The brutal reality: Later never comes. It's just another word for never. 

Most of the things you say you'll do later won't be possible by the time you're able to do them. Your kids won't be young later. Your health won't be there later. Your life won't suddenly be built for freedom and enjoyment later.

Either start designing it into your life now, or live life with regret later.


You never really figure it out.

There are two rules in life:

You don't have it all figured out.

  1. If you think you have it all figured out, see Rule 1.

  2. A lesson I wish I learned earlier in life:

No one knows what they're doing. Even the people you admire. Everyone is just stumbling along.

Some are just willing to stumble enough that they find their way into something special.

Some are just a bit better at remaining humble, following their curiosity, and marching courageously into the unknown.

A must-read thread from Dan Go - 42 life lessons everyone needs to see

Another week, another great thread from Dan Go.

Here are some gems that stood out to me:

3. Mental health is correlated with physical health. The healthier you are the better an environment for your mind to be in.

4. Sleep is the best performance-enhancing drug on the planet that removes waste from your brain and body. Fix it and you fix a lot of problems in life.

​8. Stop taking shit personally. Create a mentality of API (assuming positive intent). Life’s too short to give mental energy to slights and perceived insults.

10. Your perception is your reality. If you want a better life, you need to change the lens through which you experience the world.

13. Your rate of failure is equal to your rate of success. Want to succeed faster? Do more experiments. Fail faster.

17. If you want better results in life, look at the people you surround yourself with. If they don't match the reality you're creating find a better group.

21. Most people think a great life is about money, cars, and houses. When the reality is a great life is based on things money can't buy like health, family, and relationships.

22. Want to be wise? Use the 3 levels of learning:

Level 1 is consumption. This is the shallowest of all.
Level 2 is application. This turns knowledge into experience.
Level 3 is teaching. This turns experience into wisdom.

24. Your parents did the best they could with what they were taught. Forgive them and move on.

26. Take ownership of every result in your life. It may not be your fault, but it's always your responsibility.

​30. The secret to success is identifying the one constraint holding you back from it. Be systematic in eliminating your biggest constraint as this opens the floodgates of results.

​35. The shortcut is the easy path, which becomes hard later. The long path is hard but becomes easier.

​37. The top 3 ways to transform your life are getting your health, money, and mind right. Work on one at a time, then move on to the next.

If you don't use X (Twitter), you can read it here.

11 Wealth Secrets I Learned Advising 453 Millionaires - Article from Wealth Operators

After 5 years in Wealth Management, I've had a unique opportunity most people never get: direct access to 453 millionaires' personal financial strategies.

Today, I'm pulling back the curtain and

Let me know if you read it .

I’d love to hear your perspective on this one if you have any thoughts.

P.S. : If you haven’t read of previous Elevate Letter editions here they are 😀 

»Elevate Letter #25: How Ali Abdaal Built a New $1M Business in 12 Months

»Elevate Letter #24: 19 words that can unlock someone's potential

»Elevate Letter #23: 20 Hidden Techniques on Communication


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